Wordle 356: Tips for Today’s Word Puzzle (6/10/22)


Wordle 356 is difficult because it’s not a common word, which means you rarely hear it used in conversation.

Wordle is a daily word game owned by The New York Times. Players get six tries to figure out the five-letter word of the day. We have some tips to help you solve today’s puzzle.

Wordle can be addictive. Chances are you’ve seen countless combinations of yellow and green squares popping up on social media when people share their results.

If a user-guessed word has a letter that is in the word of the day, but not in the correct order, the mailbox turns yellow. If any letters are incorrect and not included in the last word, the box turns gray. But, if one of the guessed letters is in the word and is in the correct position, the box turns green.

So anyway, let’s get to some tips for today, if you need them.

  • This word has two vowels.
  • This word is a name.
  • The first three letters of this word are dessert.
  • Three of the five letters are among the 10 most common in the English language.


Stop scrolling if you don’t want to know the answer for Friday, June 10, 2022.

Did you use your six guesses? If not, keep trying.

The weather for the coming weekend looks a little wet. PennLive’s Jenna Wise reports that today will be sunny and dry, but showers could start after 2 a.m. Saturday and continue throughout the day. Sunday brings a chance of more rain as well as thunderstorms after 2 p.m.

If you missed last night’s Senate Select Committee televised hearing on the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol, here are some key moments. United States Capitol Police Department Caroline Edwards, who suffered brain damage in the attack as rioters pushed a bike rack over the top of her head, knocking her unconscious, testified. She said when she came to “I couldn’t believe my eyes, there were officers on the floor, they were bleeding, they were throwing up.” She said she was “sliding into people’s blood” and “it was carnage, it was chaos”.

It’s a sweet story – a woman who disappeared as a baby after her parents were found murdered in Texas has been identified using DNA and reunited with her extended family after 42 years.

Stop scrolling if you don’t want to know the answer. Here is your break-even point. I’m not kidding – the answer is after the photo.

Former Holly Marie Clouse with a photo of her parents Dean and Tina Clouse who were found murdered in Houston in January 1981, moments after recently meeting with Texas investigators.FHD Forensics / Family History D

Today’s word is: PIETY.

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